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Sing and Read A Song With Me

Songs we like to read and sing!

How many sight words can you find?

What is the name of the month?

The month is______, yes indeed, yes indeed, yes indeed

The month is ______, yes indeed, yes indeed my darling

What is the name of the Day?

Today is - (Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday, Fantastic Friday)

Yes indeed, Yes indeed, Yes indeed my Darling

Weather /Meteorologist song

What is the weather like today?

What is the weather like today?

Like today? Like today on______ ______.

Clean Up Songs:

It’s clean up time

It’s clean up time

It’s clean up time at school



It's clean up

Clean up at school!

Clean up

Clean up

Everybody clean up, clean up

Puts your books away

Put your blocks away…

Wash Your Hands Song

Wishy washy

Wishy washy

Soap and water

Soap and water - DRY,DRY, DRY!

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