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Vowel Song

The Vowel Song

(To the Tune: “Are you sleeping?”

a makes two sounds,

a makes two sounds

a (long sound) and a (short sound)

a as in acorn

a as in apple

a (long sound) and a (short sound)

a (long sound) and a (short sound)

e makes two sounds (repeat)

e (long sound) and e (short sound) repeat

e as in eagle

e as in echo

e (long sound) and e (short sound) repeat

i makes two sounds (repeat)

i (long sound) and i (short sound) repeat

i as in ice cream

i as in itchy

i (long sound) and i (short sound) repeat

o makes two sounds (repeat)

o (long sound) and o (short sound) repeat

o as in overalls

o as in octopus

o (long sound) and o (short sound) repeat

u makes two sounds (repeat)

u (long sound) and u (short sound) repeat

u as in unicorn

u as in up

u (long sound) and u (short sound) repeat

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